New Zealand venison is produced in a natural, sustainable manner. New Zealand deer farmers have always aspired to sustainable land management via industry-wide programs to avoid potential negative impacts on the environment.New Zealand is blessed with ample rain and vast open pastures. Farming is a natural use for the landscape, and New Zealanders have been growing livestock and crops for 150 years, with little damage to the soil or water. In New Zealand, the natural fertility of the soils, the climate, and the extensive use of nitrogen-fixing clovers in pastures provide much of the goodness necessary to grow pasture to feed farmed deer. New Zealand farmers use small amounts of nitrogen fertilizers to improve pasture fertility, control non-native weeds, and ensure good animal health.
New Zealand deer farmers believe they have a duty to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects that their activities may have on the environment. When producing food, farming impacts the environment in several ways such as soil erosion, water use, and degraded water quality.
The New Zealand deer farming industry has an active program in place to ameliorate these negative impacts by educating farmers and recognizing success in minimizing environmental impact.

We take the same care in processing venison that our farmers take in raising the deer. This starts when the deer leave the farm gate. Of the transport companies that move animals from the farms to the processors, 98% are accredited to the Deer Quality Assurance program. Drivers are trained and are responsible for the safety and welfare of the deer, and ensure that all required health documentation is available.
New Zealand venison must be processed according to internationally recognized quality standards. Our processing facilities are regularly audited by both government and independent auditors to ensure that standards for producing and presenting venison are met.
These standards were developed by the deer industry and are based on research that has established the processing regime to produce tender and delicious meat. These standards include all parts of plant operations to achieve food safety and optimum product quality.
Most deer are farmed in mountainous regions with vast fields stretching over hundreds of acres. They live primarily on grass and hay. Our deer are raised naturally without hormones or steroids on the fresh open pastures of New Zealand All deer in New Zealand are individually identified to provide traceability back to the farm they come from. Animal welfare is key to achieving the highest quality products, as well as sustainable land management. Deer in New Zealand are never kept in feedlots or confined spaces.
The majority of NZ deer farms are registered a Deer Quality Assurance program. The goals of the program are to manage the health and welfare of the animals and handlers, and assure quality products. Accredited farmers are audited to assure that farm practices are in place to meet these goals. Venison marketing companies in New Zealand are working towards on-farm assurance programs that monitor animal health and welfare and the environmental impact of farming operations.